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shopper brain conference
Dublin, October 25-26, 2023
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Gesa Lischka

Gesa Lischka is CEO, owner and co-founder of Kochstrasse™ – Agentur für Marken GmbH in Hannover, Germany. Established in 1995, the agency serves internationally renowned brands with offices in Germany and Hong Kong.

Gesa Lischka is an expert in b2b and b2c brand marketing. Her mission is to see neuroscientific insights translated into design and successful products. Rooted in a partnership with the University of Bonn, Neuroscientific concepts have had an impact on agency projects since early 2010. Gesa firmly believes that when it comes to neuromarketing, detailed knowledge of practices and concepts is essential; however it’s even more important to understand with a straight hands-on approach what works when and where – obviously, being a mother of three (and a CEO of 40 heads) favors a pragmatic results driven approach to life.

Over the past two years, Gesa has been presenting and explaining neuromarketing concepts and case studies among business auditories. She is exploring the implications of neuro sciences and their business impact from a practitioners perspective, applying thorough expertise as well as great enthusiasm.