shopper brain conference
Dublin, October 25-26, 2023
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Implicit Impact of Consumer Touch Points (June 23, 2016 12:30 PM)
A multi-method approach was used to assess the impact of brand touch points during the shopper journey. The study provides insight into the quality and interaction of various touch points before, during and after the shopping experience by incorporating multiple neuroscience-based techniques (e.g., EEG, EDA, eye tracking, reaction time measurement, facial coding) and classical research methods to explain shopper behaviour and predict sales. The findings reveal how implicit measures double the ability to predict purchases.

The presentation shows how implicit and explicit processes along the various touch point opportunities (e.g., moment of truths) explain customer’s shopping experience in general and company’s sales success in particular.
Thus, marketing managers and researchers have to assess, address and satisfy both implicit and explicit processes (e.g., arousal) in terms of a positive shopper experience against the background of multifaceted (brand/product) touch points. Additionally, another insights is the greater sensitivity of implicit measures to reveal changes in the customers mind after short touchpoint contacts, which are the default in real-world shopping experiences.

 Steffen Schmidt & Philipp Reiter

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